West Brom VS Chelsea

>> Friday, December 2, 2011

 AspirasiRakyat.com- though, Chelsea finally able to capture the first victory full points thanks to 2-1 over West Brom.

Stamford Bridge match, Saturday, August 20, 2011. An evening WIT, West Brom is able to win it first in the fourth minute. Using kelengahan Alex control over the ball, take it and then accelerating long until the penalty box before menceploskan the ball to the grid, hilario.

In the 16th minute, WBA goalkeeper hilario again threatened. Paul Scharner is difficult to be driven off Spurn still hilario.

Three minutes later Chelsea gained his first opportunity in the smart way to show contempt for human Fernando Torres on the right side of the WBA defense. But still hovers over the slide.

Towards autumn drinking Chelsea again failed to convert the opportunities that come by goals. Alex free kick makdmi converter can still be saved penalty poster.

In the second half, Chelsea were able to balance the goal Anelka. From wild bullet in punishment, Anelka has conquered, trick two players before firing at the legs of Defender properties, lie it on, slipped into the WBA goalkeeper poster.

Finally, three points for the Blues Nicks is determined by the player substitute for Florent Malouda. Cross feed of Jose Ricardo Carvalho measured leads right into Malouda hit the ball into the feet mercy WBA networks.

Final score 2-1 to make the first villas-Boas earned his victory in the Premier League. Now, Chelsea is the degree 3 with victories out of four points under Aston Villa and Liverpool.

Source: sohib-dika-bisnis.blogspot.com

Short URL: http://aspirasirakyat.com/?p=746

Posted by admin on Aug 21, 2011. Filed under sport, soccer. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 format. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

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