ABG 13 years find solar power station is the most recent

>> Thursday, December 1, 2011

 AspirasiRakyat.com- Aidan Dwyer, 7th 6th grade students from New York to find a tool that can concentrate the energy through solar power.

Solar power is not unusual, but Dwyer was able to crawl the findings of an electric power generation tool than other solar power of up to 50%.

As Gizmodo, the findings were made known that it started when he went down in the middle of the forest in winter. Experience in the form of branches Dwyer forts indirectly. Dwyer convinced, Dahan-Dahan did not grow up haphazardly laid out, but instead of following a particular composition.

He then measures the angle of the growing and found startling theory. Dahan-Dahan tree growing probably due to the Fibonacci numbers.

Fibonacci is the row number that is the supplement of two numbers, such as 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, and so on.

This number sequence is used time and Hemachandra Gopala, a mathematician from India in the year 1150.

Surprised by its own, Dwyer went on to find out what effect this has. Apparently with this type of arrangement, the tree is able to penetrate the Sun a lot more to be a strong growth.

Dwyer resumed criticised by doing an experiment. Dwyer makes two models of panels solar panels, the first with a concept that is positioned at the same time, and the other sequence.

"Design like the tree Panel to collect 20% more power, more than 2.5 hours during the day," says Dwyer American Museum of natural history.

More surprising results obtained in December, when the Sun is the lowest point in the sky. Solar panels in the shape of the tree produces 50% more light gathering power than on 50 percent.

"The best thing I can and this is despite the darkest days in winter even nature still shows the secrets," the destruction of Dwyer.

Source: tabloidbintang.com

Short URL: http://aspirasirakyat.com/?p=803

Posted by admin on August 23, 2011. Filed under education, details. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 format. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

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