Yes, Chris Cook is pretty much done in Minnesota

>> Thursday, November 24, 2011

Christopher gates on 21 November 2011 6: 55 PM CST in Minnesota Vikings season 2011


I'm not a lawyer, even games I a TV or something like. But in my limited understanding of the lawyers, I think I've managed this piece much together: If the prosecution, as if they have a super strong case against a defendant have feeling, they will try the potential defendant at a lower cost of plea bargain.

I can only, then assume, that the public prosecutor decides that they have enough on you the fees increase against you, that it would be the opposite.

Chris Cook, which stifle Vikings cornerback his girlfriend accused will answer now second crime attack for a fee, after the woman reported suffer hearing loss after the alleged attack.


Cook was commissioned with felony domestic assault. On 10 November changed the Hennepin County Attorney's Office the complaint a second crime add charge of third-degree assault. According to court documents, the woman suffered from a perforated eardrum, and prosecutors confirmed that she now has hearing loss.

Cook, who is free on $40,000 bail from prison is not the woman contact. According to court documents to prosecutors show that Cook alleged additional offences committed elsewhere. You will try a higher sentence for the alleged attack.

Yes, I know... Nnocent to his guilt and everything, and I still believe that. But the writing is pretty clear in my opinion on the wall in this. Chris Cook is to downplay never to another for the Minnesota Vikings, and although it also stupid point of view may sound from pure football, it would be in their best interest to him now cut. If another NFL team wants to take a gamble on him and be with the upcoming circus, good for them. There is no reason for the Vikings have to employ more.

Read more: Chris Cook (CB - MIN), Minnesota Vikings

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