Economic growth in 2012 was re 7%

>> Tuesday, November 29, 2011 re Parliament members of the prosperous Justice Party key crisis (primary), Andi Rahmat, said that economic growth next year could be higher than the one that Government in 2012-6.7% RAPBN or within 7%.
"The Government still has a fairly extensive surface to push economic growth to a range of 7%," he said when reading from the view of the meeting in Jakarta on Dec.13 RAPBN faction 2012, Tuesday.

He explains to Indonesia's economy is still dependent on domestic consumption, very effective fiscal stimulus will encourage growth in 7%.

To do this, MCC expects capital spending drove by 2012 the share allocated Rp168, billion 1 or 2% domestic product increased by 2.5% to 3% due to the very important, crucial breakthrough as measures to encourage growth.

"This can be done without adding considers that that tax ratio increased from 12.6% to 13% and a reduction in the additional items of expense progesif range 1.5 trillion or Rp120% domestic, as well as a range of shopping bpkid Rp200 trillion or 2.5% domestic," said Andy.

In addition, he claimed, through taxation and reform of the bureaucracy, is expected to increase the financial stimulus, you can increase the 62.9% capital expense to Rp231 billion, or 2.9 percent domestic product.

However, he claimed, by the existence of global uncertainty, especially in the United States (USA) and Europe, then looked at the growth of 6.7 per cent of all MCC still realistic.

Meanwhile, members of the Golkar faction (Golkar), Fayakhun Andriadi, looks at the economic growth of 6.7% was low, that the Government needs to encourage investments from the direct benefits the financial sector such as agriculture and manufacturing economy real sector involve.

"The target growth is still low, there is an existing momentum to reach 7% use by encouraging investments in agriculture and manufacturing to spawn a qualified workforce and reduce the absorption levels of poverty," he said.

Meanwhile, members of the democratic faction of Indonesia (PDI) struggle, Yasonna h., adding that an increase of Laoly 6.7% increases fairness of the Government to increase the share of the budget for capital expense for infrastructure and support the industry that adds value.

"The growth of 6.7% indicating that the number is still low, and that the Government should aim high-an increase of 7%-8%. Moreover, the State has not overcome impacting problems precisely the subject of the people, that there were no support for value added industrial infrastructure, "he said.

Minister of finance, Agus Martowardojo, said that the recommendations and views was a fraction of a percentage growth, heard fraction 6.7 2012 targets aggressive enough, if we take into consideration the General conditions still basking uncertainties.

"We see how the u.s. economy and Europe, will be corrected on the growth and impact on the development of the world including Indonesia. It is indeed always us. Figure 6.7% reflect the conditions of Indonesia 2012, in line with analysts optimistic, "he said.

Source: antaranews

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