Jihad through music more effective

>> Monday, December 26, 2011

Surabaya (Reuters)-der King of Dangdut h. Rhoma Irama stressed that Jihad change human behavior since it through music, more effective, music links and preach.

"Jihad through music more effective, since idol (Idol) the negative or negative community fans and vice versa, will bear", says founder and musician band sonnets on the campus of the Institute of Islam in the countries (IAIN) Sunan traffic light Surabaya, were Friday.

He suggested, is now general study titled "music as a medium da ' wah" and declared "sonnets fans Club Indonesia" (SFCI) East Java chaired by h. aka solar in IAIN.

According to him, the strategic role of the arts have been converting people to the world's leading, Stalin, arts dear to the or culture compared to military force to his leadership have.

"Stalin agreed, but I had criticized Wahid, that none of the da'wah for music, because music was autonomous." I justify Wahid, as the doors, it does not exist. But I see a gap there as an artist, the gap small and small is indeed hard, "he said."

According to him, the gap is small, because there is no lyrical music, preach religion and it was written and Sung, but religious texts by "Kawinisasi" or harmonisation between the lyrics, melody, and "beat" combined.

"It's a difficult Kawinisasi because there are not just sung a religious texts, but the silly lyrics combined religion with the melody and the beat, is certainly different." I wrote for example, the lyrics of "o man... respect your mother...", then I have combine with the melody and the beat, "he said."

Pedangdut birth of Tasikmalaya on 11 December 1946 was it described the difficulties involved in the technical how good it is music in the era of the 1960s was synonymous with disobedience.

"Is a prayer would artists because artists were identical with prayer, leave liquor, guidelines for free and disobedience, booed, although there are Gambus Orchestra get drunk," he said.

However, he said it, the reality, which makes it restless. "As a person who resent the soul of art, I I therefore in every prayer worship." Yes, God, I wish that extended the road to hell, you stop band please my step, "said he."

The famous singer known as "Bang Haji" briefly while telling a prayer was read in every prayer wines. "Finally, I put a group of sonnets." I am determined to do Jihad through music said "he."

To a Jihad, even try to pronounce "Assalam Alaikum" to initiate, performance at startup. "I remember a greeting in phases in Ancol briefly stoned slippers and mud are, even the mass media also slander me doing the commercialization of religion," he said.

In the course of time after all, he, his pace justify however argued. "The shooting to" reaching for the Sonne"(1986) is a Professor of dentistry, which suddenly embraced me and give thanks. He said a solution to the problem of his life in my songs, "he."

Lecturers Universitas Airlangga (Unair), which is being reviewed as said that he was invited, in the International Conference on the Islamic culture in the United States (United States) speak meet experience.

He said "Professor AS an invitation that it tells me that my songs at various universities, studied because the lyrics are heard on this lonely world of the senses, but my songs a positive mean,".

That is why he said specified in the presence of the artist and the directory of the world at the Conference, that the music, the not instruments Tralala, but where responsibility before God.

"Although I sometimes there are also young people, the drunk, but it's how people main page go in the phase mosque, steals the slippers then the benefits of music events were much bigger than a handful of people, millions of fans, who Munkar," he said. (*) Publisher: Priyambodo RH


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