Activity of Mount Sindoro tend to sink Kegempaan

>> Monday, December 26, 2011

Picture of Mount Sindoro (Advanced images/Anis Efizudin)

Temanggung (Reuters)-Mount Sindoro activity on the border of Kegempaan Temanggung Regency and Wonosobo, Central will fall expected to Java in the last few days, but the status of the volcano is still remain cautious.

Observation post officer of Mount Sindoro and Sumbing in the village Gentingsari, district Bansari, Temanggung, Sumaryanto on Friday said on Monday (19 / 12) volcanic earthquake happened in six times, a shallow volcanic, Tectonically away 13 times, four times, local tectonics and earthquake blowing 15 times.

But next Tuesday (8 / 12) Kegempaan fell, day tectonic Quake twice, twice blow a time, local tectonic and earthquake.

On Wednesday (21 / 13), that the earthquake in the volcanic Tectonically removed twice three times found local tectonics and earthquake blows twice, three times.

"Time, much time, tectonic is only for earthquakes one the last seismic data, which we took in Thursday's (10 / 12) and earthquake blows twice," he said.

He said despite a reduction of the Kegempaan to view the current status of Mount Sindoro stay alert.

According to him although the activity of Sindoro showed reduced, remained in force for a radius of two kilometres from the Summit are dangerous.

He calls the public not to move up to the top of the mountain or entering harmful RADIUS.

"Although a declining trend, is this activity still down, for, after the possibility of being able to ride again", he said.

It calls for the public to panic and your daily activities as usual to do.

He says, are the origin of the problem a large eruption on the 26 December 2011 date must do not trust, because there no solid foundation.

"Such issues should be not trusted." We are "said he." the development of activity is always monitoring report the growth of Sindoro in Temanggung district, delivered to the public, (& H018/I007) Publisher: Ruslan Burhani


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