Komodo conjured so far sold שממית Usd 50 billion

>> Sunday, November 27, 2011

 AspirasiRakyat.com- who is not tempted to get big money by the shortcut. This is what might be thought by Jonah (55) the villagers Perumnas Jatiroto, Lumajang Jatiroto, Sub.

Guy reckless paroh baya melakoni sale of this business value with tens of billions of ?????. However, tipu-tipu was selected. Monitor lizard until he juggle like togek with jumbo aka wonderful position.

????? was offered at a cost of Rp 50 billion lie and langsng interests of the buyer. Unfortunately, buyers later known as Subertaman, Nur Suyono village residents of Wonoasih district, Regency Probolinggo know this fraud.

While Suyono Nur provided down payment of Rp 10 million dollars of sales of Rp 50 billion worth of ????? offered Jonah. Because they were tricked, Nur Suyono reported at Polres Radikal.

Monday during the day (8/22/2011), business selling fraudulent action it was handling a Polres ????? Radikal. From the reports submitted, mention if Suyono Nur himself offered to buy a large-sized ????? belonging to Jonah.

Acquisition, use, ????? is an order of a third party who is seeking a life which was later crowded dibicaraka, that is quite expensive with a large size which line to use AIDS drug research.

With kegetolan Suyono Nur Corfu village housing, Wonoasih, Sumbertaman Indonesia Kabupoaten hcioni in East Java finally brings a dove.

Moreover, argues Jonah has a size of ????? can be greater. This information, then meet Jonah Nur Suyono and see for yourself ????? it offers. Indeed, large size animals show that the size of the animal away with the source.

"How to monitor lizard painted with a variety of special ????? liable by Yunus. As a result, Suyono Nur was a dove, and they want to deceive the how to buy it for Rp 50 billion. He is standing, culminating the transaction, "said Publicist AKBP Kasubag of Radikal confirmed Polres detiksurabaya.com Suherkamto.

The value of transactions outside reason, Dove mbolf more he was immediately given the offer. In fact, as mark so, Nur Suyono like buyers to send a down payment of Rp 10 million. Transaction execution instead of in the village of Randuagung, hcioni bless Banyuputih.

"Moreover, for reasons of appearance as buyers Suyono Nur," added Publicist Polres Kasubag East. After the buyer receives, and not to bring the fans to get ????? Suyono Nur was owned by a dove. "It turns out, this is because Sham ????? made by a dove with special paint such as original toket, continued the rule of Suherkamto.

This reality, it is his intention to pay off buyers ????? tens of billions of transaction results with Jonah. Meanwhile, Suyono Nur who feel victim because it pays out down payment of Rp 10 million reported cases of fraud Polres Radikal.

"Now, this is still handled parat reskrim units," Suherkamto rule of pungkas.

Source: blogwarta.com

Short URL: http://aspirasirakyat.com/?p=789

Posted by admin on August 23, 2011. Filed under headline news, criminal. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 format. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

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