Green era TV

>> Monday, November 28, 2011 light emitting diode technology (LED) batlooizia answer is to save electricity. Compared to the TV tube, LCD, plasma screen or LED TV were able to reduce the power consumption of 20 to 50 percent. The secret, like the LED, this type of lighting LED TV with power consuming is lower.

"Energy-efficient LED, LED TV auto power," said Maya, Marketing Manager, Director of PT Sony Indonesia, Visual Media Network Jakarta, on Tuesday. Sometimes, the Toshiba Toshiba Regza LED TVs released HV10 TV power, Jr. and AL10.

TV version is the most effective HV10 power because it uses rear LED light. Power required for 19-inch screen size is only 10 Watts. "Of course this may help to reduce the service accounts," said Fransisca.

According to him, it is appropriate that TV is about to replace the TV tube slimmer. This TV features Toshiba Meta brain Pro pages with 8-bit video processing to produce smooth sharp images.

Regza TV power available at HV10 Jr. 24-32 inches with Watts respectively 48 and 85 power. A matter of price, Trio TV energy dibanderol it starts from 1.1 million to $ 2.6 million.

As for Toshiba Regza AL10 adopted the LED technology with 10-bit video processing that generates 1 million colors. With smart backlight control, 3D color management to optimize the contrast of the image, and set the color level.

There are two options, namely this LED TV 32 and 40 cm, with 80 watts of power and 105. Prices are pegged to two types of this TV is 6.8 Usd 3.7 million to Rp.

For jumbo size TV, electricity-Toshiba Regza-AL10-required. Compared to its competitors on the same screen area, for example, it takes electrical energy amounted to 110-160 watts.

Section Manager, innovation promotion section at Toshiba consumer products design department PT Indonesia, Ardy Nursalim, says eco-friendly methods of Toshiba products not only on reducing power consumption. "We have three basic principles, i.e. Green Green Green product process, by technology," he said.

Three principles of reducing packaging materials were used to reduce the excessive waste, do not use hazardous materials, i.e., six cadmium, chromium, lead, mercury, heksavalen polibromobipenil, polibromodipenileter.

"The raw material is almost all water base so it's not harmful to the environment, humans," says Ardi.

Source: tempo

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